Register for my Wellington .Net User Group presentation on Azure Stream Analytics

Nov. 1, 2017 by

I’m presenting to the Wellington .Net User Group on December 13, 2017. You can register here to learn more about Azure Stream Analytics.

Review of Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Oct. 25, 2017 by

Kleppmann‘s Designing Data-Intensive Applications is a detailed and comprehensive review of databases, in the widest definition of that term, and the way that we use them. Klepmann starts by describing

Automating SQL joins that follow foreign keys

Oct. 18, 2017 by

I’ve written a SQL code generator which automates the mindless, repetitive task of joining a table to the tables to which it has foreign keys. Generating this code isn’t exactly

Common Table Expressions in SQL are a code smell

Oct. 4, 2017 by

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that Common Table Expressions (CTE) in SQL are almost always undesirable.  CTE’s are a powerful feature.  But unless they’re recursive, CTE’s are just replacements

How to test a view in a SQL database

Sep. 27, 2017 by

I had a realisation that I’m looking forward to blogging about soon.  However, when I outlined my post I couldn’t find references for several things that I know to be